Product Release Notes
Q2 2024 - Certification
PSI Bridge
New Features• Admissions Guide and Universal Library Links: All cards within the RPA UI now include links to the Admissions Guide and the Universal Library, providing users with easy access to essential resources.
• Proctoring Defaults Tab: A new addition to the Org Onboarding process in the BAS UI is the Test Sponsor Documents URL on the Proctoring Defaults tab, enhancing documentation accessibility.
• Proctoring Mode 'Lockdown': The Launch and Exam Defaults pages in the BAS UI now support the 'lockdown' proctoring mode, offering an additional layer of exam security.
• Setup Codes List and Generation: The BAS UI now features a 'Setup Codes' list and generation functionality, streamlining the setup process for administrators (note: deletion of setup codes is not supported at this time).
• Admin API Update: The Admin API has been updated to return an empty array if no check-in history is found, allowing users to navigate the page without encountering errors and displaying all other available information.
• Exam Information Enhancements: The back of exam cards in the RPA now display the Exam start time and date in the exam information section, providing clearer scheduling details.
• Connection Graph Export Update: Session Info in the BAS now includes an updated export feature for the Connection Graph, improving data accessibility for proctors and test takers.
• Search Field Name Edit: The 'Enter Pdiddy...' search field name in the RnR RPA has been edited for clarity and improved user experience.
UI and UX Improvements
• Security Profile Page Ordering: The Security Profile page in BAS now orders items by organization friendly name, followed by the created date, improving the logical flow and ease of navigation.
• Header Updates in Edit Mode: The header in edit mode now includes the target item's name across multiple pages, including User Details, Session Info, Dynamic Groups, Security Profiles, and Org Defaults, enhancing user orientation and context awareness.
Test Taker Portal (UCS 2)
New Features• Booking Code in Activity Log: A new booking code column has been added to the activity log in the Admin portal. This column will record the booking code for all booking-related activities, providing a helpful reference for users.
• Bulk Import Tool in Client Portal: The bulk upload tool, previously only available in the Admin portal, is now available in the Client portal. This feature allows clients to self-serve and enter eligibility information on behalf of test takers, significantly reducing the time spent on manual data entry.
• Existing Password Requirement for Password Changes: Users are now required to enter their existing password when changing it. This enhancement addresses security concerns identified during PEN testing, ensuring a more secure password reset process.
• View Password Toggle Button: A toggle button has been added to all password fields across all portals, allowing users to view their password text. This aligns with industry best practices and enhances user convenience.
• Chronological Order for Payment Transaction Details: Payment transaction details are now displayed in chronological order, starting with the oldest transaction at the top. This update improves clarity and ease of reviewing transaction histories.
User Interface Improvements
• First, Middle, Suffix Removal from Account Signup: To comply with eligibility-based client requirements, the first name, middle name, and suffix fields have been removed from the account signup pages for those clients.
• Disable RP Launch Button After Launch: To prevent duplicate test provisioning, the launch button on the pop-up modal will be disabled after the initial click.
• Additional Receipt Information: Optional fields can now be added to receipts in UCS2, configured at the client level to provide necessary details for test takers.
• Previous Registration Information for New Registrations: New client-level settings now allow attributes from existing registrations to be copied over when creating new registrations.
• Test Taker's Middle Name in Email Templates: Test taker middle names have been added to email templates to ensure full name accuracy, aiding in ID verification.
• Display Application Fee Details: Test takers can now view payment details for application fees in the 3-dot menu on their Application tab.
• Configuration for Excused Absence: A new configuration setting for Excused Absence has been added and defaulted to ON for clients, with maintenance required only for those who wish to turn it OFF.
Bug Fixes
• Duplicate Event Information Display: Fixed an issue where event information was displayed multiple times depending on the tests associated with an event.
• Photo Upload Logging: Corrected the logging of user and event details when uploading a photo.
• Navigation Issue from Email Link: Fixed an issue where the system navigated to the PSI home screen when clicking on an email link.
• Profile Status Update: Ensured the profile status updates correctly after disconnecting a user.
New Features• Multi-Stream Test Validation Report: Users can now select multiple stream versions in the Test Validation Report. This enhancement allows clients and PSI psychometricians to analyze item-level and test-level data across different stream versions, providing a comprehensive view of test performance.
• Item Bank and Results Data Deletion: Implemented an internal Item Bank deletion process that includes associated test and results data. This process requires secondary Admin approval to prevent accidental deletions. This feature will start rolling out in May, 2024.
• Test Variant Setup for Variable Cut Scores: New functionality allows the use of the same content for two resource IDs with different test properties and cut scores. This ensures consistent stream and item content while allowing distinct test program requirements.
• System Requirements and Help Text Updates: System requirements and help text have been updated and relocated for easier updates by the Atlas Cloud development team. Notably, 'In-Application tests using Office 2010' has been removed from the list of test procedures.
• CAPTCHA Solution Update: Enhanced the CAPTCHA solution for password resets, ensuring that users complete a CAPTCHA before submitting a request. This solution mirrors the CAPTCHA used after the second failed login attempt.
• Error Handling for CSS Template Uploads: Improved error handling when uploading CSS templates to prevent deletion of existing templates if the uploaded file does not import. This includes better permissions management, audit logging, and file structure checks
• Client Data Removal Queueing System: Implemented a queueing system for the data removal tool to manage multiple removal requests efficiently, improving the overall process.
• Custom Feedback for Test Delivery Platform: Updated to send correct/incorrect feedback in JSON format to support the Test Delivery Platform feature, enhancing test-taker feedback accuracy.
• Comprehensive Knowledge Objective Results Unmarking: Enabled the ability to unmark all results associated with a comprehensive knowledge objective simultaneously.
• Monthly PII Data Obfuscation: Enhanced the process for obfuscating user data in response to individual PII removal requests.
• Subtest Overview for Categories: Added a subtest overview feature to display stream categories.
• Score Labels Import/Export: Improved on-screen import information for score labels to streamline the process.
• Zero-Downtime Enhancements: Fixed issues related to zero-downtime cluster fixes and session data/app node communication.
Bug Fixes
• Bulk Clone Page: Fixed an issue where previously deleted items were listed within the “bulk clone” page.
• Read-Only Mode Edit Buttons: Corrected the display of edit buttons in read-only mode within the item bank tests.
• Scenario Page Delete Button: Addressed the absence of the delete scenario button on the item bank scenarios page, ensuring it matches the existing HTML structure.
• Session Invalidation Error: Resolved a 404 error issue that prevented session invalidation on the activity page.
• Report Dropdown Language: Fixed the Restart report dropdown to accurately reflect the output format as a Text file, not Excel.
• Certificate Report User Profile Category: Added the missing category 6 column to the Certificate Report's user profile.
PSI Dimensions
New Features• Search Across Databases in App Support: Users can now search for candidates between the IBT and Master databases by switching a toggle. This allows viewing data records from both databases on the same search page, streamlining data management.
• Validation Adjustments for Static Rules: Users can now enter a value of 0 in the “Duration candidate can test” field when editing Test Static Rules, enhancing flexibility.
• Duplicate Packages Filter for Pencil/Paper Imports: When importing Pencil/Paper scores, duplicate test packages from ASPEN clients are now filtered out, displaying only relevant test packages for Atlas clients.
• PnP Candidate Search: Added a search capability for users importing Pencil/Paper scores, allowing them to quickly find test takers by name instead of scrolling through long lists.
• LOFT Pool Integration Manager Access: Access has been added to the LOFT Pool Integration Manager within Dimensions, allowing users to create and manage Loft Pools more efficiently.
• Test GUIDs in Dimensions Banking: Users can now view Test GUIDs within the Dimensions Banking module, enhancing transparency and tracking.
• Action Log for Test Takers: An action log tool is now available within the Application Support Utility, allowing users to retrieve and view action logs for individual test takers in CSV format.
• Move Schedules and Scores Out of Production Flow: Added support to archive test taker results and schedules from the production flow upon client request, ensuring data accuracy and compliance.
• Paper and Pencil Status Update: Automatically sets test takers' status to scheduled for pencil and paper testing, instead of absent, enhancing scheduling accuracy.
• Enhanced PnP Importer: The Pencil and Paper importer now supports the addition of a school code and/or application type before record import.
• New Test Status - Ready for Prod: Introduced a “Ready for Prod” status in the Dimensions Banking Module, streamlining test readiness tracking.
Bug Fixes
• Paper and Pencil Upload Issues: Fixed issues with invalid forms in the Paper and Pencil upload app.
• Score Export Errors: Addressed errors in exporting test taker scores and accessing score data from schedules.
• Investigation Tab Errors: Resolved issues in the Hearings/Appeals tab navigation and data duplication.
Test Delivery Platform
New Features• Enhanced Navigation for DOMC Questions: Added scenarios for DOMC (Discrete Option Multiple Choice) and other special navigation rules:
- After answering the last question of a section with mixed navigation rules, users are presented with the standard “last answered” modal.
- If the section consists entirely of DOMC questions, the user is informed that the section is ending and cannot review answers.
- Only one button is available to acknowledge the end of the section, preventing users from returning to the section.
- Relocated Calculator and Highlighter tools within the “Tools” section.
- Added a heading “Calculator” for both Basic and Scientific calculators.
- Miscellaneous message box updates to improve clarity.
• API Request Security: Introduced an authentication/authorization mechanism for API requests, starting with the score API. This token-based authentication will eventually be expanded to other APIs.
• Stream Validation Messaging: Implemented stream validation messaging when loading tests to improve user understanding and error handling.
• Improved Browser Zoom Experience: Enhanced UI/UX to support up to 400% browser zoom:
- Uniform display of buttons in the page header and footer.
- Ensured messaging does not overlap when multiple tools are opened at unsupported zoom levels.
- Updated candidate photo display as a thumbnail in compact view at high zoom levels.
- Auto-Saved Attachments Management: Removed auto-saved attachments that are no longer associated with events to maintain data integrity.
Bug Fixes
• Marks Not Received After Correct Answer: Fixed an issue where marks were not received after the candidate clicked the correct answer, restoring expected functionality for ADVHS item types.
• Last Answered Modal Issues: Corrected the last answered modal to display flagged questions notice and button option, mirroring the End Test button.
• Tooltip Alerts: Fixed tooltip alerts being read when closing any dialog, even when focus was on another element.
• Magnifier and Hotkeys: Resolved an issue where hotkeys were disabled when the magnifier was used and the test taker navigated back to a previous question.
• Highlighter Functionality: Fixed highlighter issues where highlighting stopped when the mouse was over a radio button.
• Firefox Initialization Error: Addressed an issue where launching a Test Delivery Platform test in Firefox caused the test to get stuck loading with a console initialization error.
• Highlighter Interference with Advanced Hot Spot Items: Fixed an issue where the highlighter interfered with marking Advanced Hot Spot items.